Norton Air Force Base

Friends of the Museum
The Norton AFB Museum is dependent on a large part, to Donations and Contributions to assist us or meet our financial obligations. We try to recognize these Friends and Sponsors as best as we can. Inside the Museum, we have a large display identifying these companies and individuals who want to be part of the story being told at the Museum. Our form of recognition is to identify them for their donations and/or contribution, in a unique way. If they have donated funds directly, or their services or goods, we categorize their contributions as follows:
Donation Categories
GOLD = $2,501 - $5,000+
SILVER = $1,001 - $2,500
BLUE = $501 - $1,000
GREEN = $251 - $500
MAROON = $50 - $250
Those who have helped the Norton AFB Museum are:​​
The Inland Valley Development Agency of San Bernardino
The Matich Company of San Bernardino
The 63rd / 445th Norton Veterans Group of the Inland Empire
CMSgt Eugene C. Eggers (USAF, Ret) & his wife Mary Eggers, Glendora CA.
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda CA
Al Capone, Lancaster / High Vista CA
Refreshed Sites, Rancho Cucamonga
The Norton Heritage Foundation of San Bernardino
Capt. Larry Williford USAF (Ret) and his wife Brandi Williford of San Bernardino
Alta Vista Credit Union (Formerly Norton Credit Union) of the Inland Empire
Sams / Wal-Mart Corp of San Bernardino
Paul Minert, Fontana CA
Clean Sweep, San Bernardino CA
JCS Welding, San Bernardino CA
Joe Aklufi
Alta Vista Credit Union
CMSgt Eugene Eggers
Paul Minert
Stater Bros
Jose & Eleanor Sandoval
Al Capone, Lancaster / High Vista CA (Second Donation)
CMSgt Paul A. Castanedo USAF (Ret) & Mrs. Debra Castanedo, Redlands CA
Costco Corp of San Bernardino
Best Buy Corp of San Bernardino
Colonel & Ms. Paul Green, Highland CA
University of Redlands, Redlands CA
CMSgt Gil Vanegas USAF (Ret), San Bernardino CA
JON's Flags and Poles Inc. of Riverside
Express Signs and Printing of San Bernardino
Blue Eagle Video/Photo Team of San Bernardino
CMSgt Gilbert Vanegas (USAFR, Ret) & wife Ayako, San Bernardino CA
Stater Brothers Markets, San Bernardino CA
Taquino Engineering, San Diego CA
Dignity Mortuary, Covina CA
Thomas & Brenda Sherrier, Sr.
ZAC Micro Systems of San Bernardino
Mr. Nadeem Majaj
Jim and Jo Ann Webb, Athens Ohio
Mexico Café, San Bernardino CA
Alta Vista Credit Union (Formally Norton AFB C.U.), Redlands CA (Second Donation)
S/B Knights of Columbus, Council 4488, San Bernardino CA
JON's Flags & Poles, Riverside CA (Second Donation)
S/B Elks Lodge, San Bernardino CA
Ms. Judy Penman, San Bernardino CA
Orange Empire Club of Military Officers, Redlands CA
Bobbitt Memorial Chapel
Edmund Gornay
Security Bank
Billy Mitchell
Glen & JoAnne Gipson
Fred Stamper
Mike Parkerson
Steven Matthys
Col. Marjorie Merrill